This a great megaman game and if your a fan definitely pick this one up

User Rating: 7.9 | RockMan ZX DS
This game is interesting in the fact that you are a human with powers of a robot. You get model X at the beginning and from there your adventures begins. You’ll pick up more models later on and at mid-beginning you get model ZX which is a combination of both model Z and model X. To be honest Model Z basically took over because if this was a combination of both then you should charge your X Buster to the third level and you should take half of the damage since you suppose to get twice the strength. Well anyways you get to become beside normal and model ZX four more Models and a secret model that from what I heard is to be super strong. This is basically the same old mega man game with different graphics and new characters/ bosses. This game is totally worth playing and to those hardcore fans would find this game to be quite challenging even at easy level.