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User Rating: 6.9 | RockMan ZX DS
i want to be strait forward. i LOVE the zero series. i started playing at zero three and i worked my way up from there. so naturally someone who loves the series would go out and get this game. well i did and i played through it on normal. its really not that challenging. so on the features. u get these things called biometal, the spirits of past warriors. over the course of the game u unlock and play as the spirits of megaman, zero, and the four army commanders of neo arcadia (harpuia, leviathan, phantom, and fenfir).i feel like they could have added a little more to the close combat (i.e. leviathans biometal spriit only has one attack and a charge attack, no combo! ). harpuia attacks are pretty cool, but still no combo for sword play. each character has special abillites some useless some, well, useful. the gunplay ( or shuriken play, if ur using shadow) is superb. this game pretends to be a rpg using a world map and sending u on ''missions'' to secure biometal and stuff. its a surprising change, but it ultimatley fails. like always u forget the story and have fun blasting and slicing the crud outta enemys. i dont know what it is , but this game needs something more