This is my review of megaman zero 4 (by joelhwz)

User Rating: 10 | Mega Man Zero 4 GBA
I like the game alot,it has GREAT graphic for a game boy game,
nice relistic sounds,when you play it it can fustrate you but if you
are kinda bored,play in your fravorite areas and the game will calm
you.Well,the price i don't know about you,but I bought mine at a shop
with a cool price,it was about $18.It took me kinda along time to finish
mine but I think you can do it faster,I hope.This was the best MMZ
game i played so far,well......uh.........Oh yeah!heres some help for
players:If you play easy mode and you cant get past the city levle
part where it has moving blocks because it hase none to stand
on to go to the door,jump on the left wall untill you reach the top
and jump and kick in the ledge,try do do this as often as posible
since it will take some time to perfect it.So try your best to do it,
i did mine in an hour.good luck.END.