What every megaman game should be like.

User Rating: 9.8 | RockMan Zero 2 GBA
In my opinion, Megaman zero 2 is one of the best games out there. Good soundtrack, exept for the forest theme, but its such a good game, ill forgive Capcom for it. The gameplay is superb. The cyber elf feature i thought was cool becuase, you're having a hard time with a boss? Or you're having a hard time with some preticular level? Lower your score to beat it! However i think using an AR (Action Replay) Is 10 times easier anyway. And u get an S rank anyway.

Using the chain rod has always been a rewarding expreince for me. Chopping bosses up, swinging Indiana Jones style over spike pits and sucking the life from another reploid. The Z saber.... Oh my god super weapon. Buster shot: Its ok and i only use it when i want too, or its required. The sheild boomerang is not the best thing in the game but it will do.

The bosses like Hariupa and Lehivathan provide exelent battles and i have spent many hours, not saving batting both of them. :) Its fun.

In the grand scheme of everything, megaman zero 2 is an all around good game and i would recomend it to everyone.

Megaman zero two gets a 9.8 out of 10

*clap clap clap clap*