At first it was a let-down, but as I played it grew on me, and now it is one of my favorite games...

User Rating: 9.1 | RockMan X Command Mission GC
I'm not an RPG fan, not at all. But this... is awsome. My first thoughts were... "Ew, how could they kill the Mega-man franchise like this?" But, being the die-hard Blue-Bomber fanatic, I just had to get it. And, as I had thought, it wasn't that cool. This was at least in the beginning. As I played it grew on me, and I develoved a strong liking to it. It is a difficult game, but I'd rather that than an easy one. The graphics are nice with few messups it them. The combat system is fun and enjoyable, and this is some character development. Enough that you aren't completely careless of what happens to the characters. All in all, I think this is a great game.