Very good game!

User Rating: 9.5 | Ryuusei no RockMan 3: Red Joker DS
I totally disagree with the critics. This game is just awesome! The graphics are not that good, but that's a typical feature of the Megaman series. The story makes it easier to get hook up to the game. The new additions makes the gaming experience more interesting. Here are the main additions : they came back with the chip combination from the NT warrior series (something that was really missing in this game), they've also upgraded the brotherband system, so now you can form one with more NPCs (which should've done it in the 2 considering the fact that some missions were only available if you had a certain link power) and no more wave holes (you can now transform anywhere!). This 3rd game, in my opinion, offers more possibilities and more challenges than the previous one. I look forward for the 4th game.