Try Again?

User Rating: 7 | Irregular Hunter X PSP
This review won't be that long.

Ever play Mega Man X for Snes?

Well if you say "Nope, never have"
Then your in luck because this game is for you!

Sadly, the hundred million other people who have totally mastered the original will be pretty angry. A few items aren't in their original location, but same strategies for beating bosses still work?
Sounds kind of mixed to me.

Songs aren't the same.
Yes the great soundtrack from the original is "remastered"
Wow what a load of crap.

More like they just ran the original through a grinder.
Storm Eagle's stage music sounds NOTHING like the original. Instead its overdubbed with crappy orchestra music that doesnt provide the same feeling. Nearly the same result for the rest of the games music, besides weapon sounds and explosions, etc..

Graphics are what you'd expect from an HD upgrade.
Though I feel that it doesnt capture the absolute outrageousness (is that a word?) of the original's multiple explosions per boss.
The controls are the same thankfully, but this also means you can breeze through this game in under 2 hours. Theres some llittle additions but its still the same game.
I dont see why making the HD remakes of these games have to be in 3d anyway.
Why not take it to an awesome level of 2d animation? Make us feel like we're on our Snes of the future?

For the few who have never played this game its worth it, maybe. But for the rest of us, let's plug in that Super Nintendo and play a real game.