Everything you want in a Megaman game, action, weapons, and bosses only in a smaller size.

User Rating: 8.5 | Irregular Hunter X PSP
This game has everything a great megaman game needs. Its action filled I mean nothing is more nail bitting then riding on a mining cart trying not to get thrown off or when your down to your last health bar and your about to kick the boss' but, talk about nail bitter. It also has upgraded weapons, everytime you kill the boss you get his power and there are about 10 powers to obtain with some 4 body upgrades hiden throughout the game as well. You'll also be looking for health upgrades since you'll need all the health you can get for the last boss fight. All in all there are about 15 levels in the game and just as many boss', each level is different and fun to explore all be it some are kind of short. The total game lasts a solid 10-15 hours, if your like me and keep dying at the last few levels then you may be playing till the 20 hour mark. Overall this game has good graphicsm, music that is what we expect in a megaman game and solid gameplay, the ame fells as fluid as it did on the PS or any other console for that matter. If there is one problem with the game its the length, I know PSP games aren't great at keeping players attention for the long hall but if you pay 40.00 for a game that is 2/3's of what you'd pay for a PS3 game that last 3-4 times as long then that just aint fair for the player. If you can get your hands on this game for around 20.00 it'll be well worth the 10 hours of fun.