Megaman Maverick Hunter X deserves to be called one of the best remade games of all time.

User Rating: 9 | Irregular Hunter X PSP
The good:
+ Remade game of a pure classic game for the SNES.
+ Beautiful Graphics
+ Harder difficulty level for the hardcore fans
+ Vile mode is a lot of fun,
+ Lots of replay value,
+ Animated movie is a wonderful extra
+ Remixed music
+ Can save the Haduken move now.

The bad:
-The wall jump dash is near impossible to do now
- Vile's weapons range in damage for some bosses
- game is a bit short.

For all of you who have played one of the best SNES games "Megaman X", you should have high expectations for a remake. In this case you won't be disappointed at all, in fact if you're a Megaman fan like myself, you'll will probably have this game listed as your favorite PSP game so far. Chances are high that you will want to play through the game many times, especially with the harder difficulty settings.

In my opinion, Megaman Maverick Hunter X is a must own game for anyone, for a 20 dollar price this is really worth the money.

Real score: 9.2 (rounded down)

Author: Alpha789