! WARNING ! !WARNING! !WARNING! megaman is back ! ( read review )

User Rating: 10 | Irregular Hunter X PSP
THE GOOD : it's portable megamanX, ( i have ben waiting for this for a while)
NICE graficks,
very good song remixs
same great game
two story modes ( X and vile )
prety good voices
a fresh story on the megaman X game

the bad : controles are a bit hard to get at first

what can i say i love megaman ( so this review might be a little byist XP). but that aside this is still a solid title that every one should be able to enjoy, if u have a psp. if your a megaman fan u need to get this game period.

PS:i dident give a thuro review becauses this is a game that needs to be played and not read about

PS: looking forward to megaman powered up ( they give a demo of in the game )