Capcom sure screwed up megaman x on the PS2, but made megeman x a PSP game you should buy.

User Rating: 9.2 | Irregular Hunter X PSP
Back in 2004, Capcom f#!ked up megaman x8. So when I found out megaman x was coming to the PSP I was worried. Boy was I wrong. Megaman Maverick Hunter X is one of the best megaman games to come out in the last 10 years. All you fans who wanted to play as vile can now play him! If you don't know by now, this is a remake to one of the best megaman games Megaman x. The visuals look better on the PSP than the crappy graphics of megaman x8 on the ps2. I loved how they added anime cutscenes to tell the story, finally it makes sense. the sound and voiceover are good but could be better and the gameplay has never been so awesome. The only real problem is that they moved the capsules in different places. Capcom finally stood to their roots and made a great megaman game. If you have a PSP, check this game out even if your not a megaman fan.