Wonderfully deep. It is amazing how Megaman jumps into 3D so well.

User Rating: 9.2 | RockMan DASH: Hagane no Boukenshin PS
First time I picked up the game the intro level scared me. I wasn't into running down dark hallways and I really didn't know what to expect. Roll giving me the warning that I was going the wrong way while looking down a dark hallway just gave me the creeps so I quickly turned around. This game can do that to the young and the jumpy.

The graphics are nowhere near flashy anymore but for the time Megaman in 3D was all that mattered. The trees look really bad but we all know how trees have evolved in games.

The gameplay is great. It's Megaman! You get the running, the shooting, the jumping, the strafing, and just the overall fun playing! Getting parts for new special weapons and exploring the deep ruins is always fun! Boss fights take you away from the normal set up. Fighting in places like on a cliff and even from the top of a boat in a lake. In the naval battle you have to shoot down the other boats and planes while taking down any missiles or torpedoes that are heading for your boat.

The sound is interesting. Some of the music will get you racing for combat when running through hallways. The voice acting is actually a blessing for this game. The sounds of the weapons firing, of shots hitting or being blocked, and even the jump sound add to the game's fun.

Replay is great! Unless you are able to get everything in the game, find every little sub-plot, and backtrack to every place you can go when even the smallest thing happens, you will want to play this game again and again just to see what you uncover.

Don't let the weird way Gamespot is making this game not show up fool you! If you were able to find your way here you must be a fan enough of this game to enjoy it!