Cmon people on this site what do you have against this game it is GREAT!

User Rating: 9.8 | RockMan DASH: Hagane no Boukenshin PS
People are afraid of this game I guess and think that since it is in the third dimention it of coarse is not worth playing since it was meant to be played in two dimentions. Well people that is just being prejudice against this game. Megaman Legends is a fun game. It took the old megaman shooting and added a new level of gameplay to it. As long as you keep that two dimention mindset out of your head then you can have fun with this game. I must admit the voice acting was CHEESY at points and there were some bugs but for the most part once u got used to the game it was maddddd fun. I found it very hard to beat at first but if u get that final weapon you are invincible. So to all you people give this game a chance it wont disappoint.