Mega Man in 3D works

User Rating: 8.3 | RockMan DASH: Hagane no Boukenshin PS
Mega Man has a crapload of games and many of the recent ones haven't done to well with reviews, but going back and finally getting a copy of Mega Man Legends was a good idea. I wasn't expecting too much from this game but found it to be quite addicting and one of the better adventure games i've played in a while. The graphics are pretty good for PS1 with its cartoony look and the sound was my biggest shocked result. I was expecting really crappy voice acting but the voice acting is not bad at all, it sounds like a saturday morning cartoon and the tunes aren't too bad. The controls take some getting used to but nothing ten minutes of gameplay won't do. The game took me only about 8-10 hours to beat, but was definitely fun for those 8-10 hours.