This game is good for mega fans and non mega fans

User Rating: 8.3 | Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar GBA
Yes its mega man....hahahahahahahah go ahead and laugh but i am not that fond of mega man myself however i like this game

The good: good old long storymode and combat system to keep you on your toes . Have the ability to transform and use all different kind of chips.

The bad: graphics seem to be almost downgraded and not much more chips to display.

i fell in love with the mega man battle network series after i played the third . yes i still have a gameboy micro which i admit is both sad and horrible , but this game is one of the greatest for the gba . there has got to be like 2000 chips in this game atleast. great storyline you play a a kid named LAN which is either ironic or just stupid . But it seems like since Battle network 5 the graphics have been reduced or something . what i love is that there is still all the cool old school chips as well as the transformations . this game does not get repetetive you will get involved with stuff outside and inside the cyber world and with all the new chips to can it get repetetive?

Overall: Buy this game if u have a gba this is a must buy