Megaman Battle Network 6 Cybeast Gregar Review BY: N790 :P

User Rating: 10 | Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar GBA
I think that this game is so fun to play. It has soooo much replay value, because you don't know when you will get a certain chip, or what nenmy yyou might face and where! The only bad things about this game are the freaky "scary music" you can't get rid of at the end of the game and the fact that for the "Self Research" Request on the Request BBS in Asterland, is that they took out Graveyard Area in the US version along with Undernet 3, and Immortal Area. You need the Graveyard Area to get Poison Anubis P in the Purple Mystery Data (PMD) and yet you can't even get to Graveyard Area to get the chip, so you can never finish this request, stopping you from getting ProtomanFZ (Blues) off of Chaud. All in all, there is a great story line behind this game, wih some quirky funny jokes in />

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