mmbn has now become a fallen saga. the graphics that have been continued from 4 have dented the game. 6 doesn't feel blu

User Rating: 5.9 | Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar GBA
megaman battle network 1 started the story with rather strange graphics yet familiar. it was interesting switching worlds between characters and it added a new flavor to the megaman games on gba. the adventure scenarios were great as objects as people were important in the story. the story marked the classics of megaman. evil dude named wily, scientist makes megaman, familiar opponents, and the battle scenarios seemed like a card game yet instead of turn by turn u could use cards(chips) to dish some damage onto ur opponent. the game seemed to hold a bright future. mmbn 2 was the sequel yet like kh com it was not too big of a opponent in the entire saga yet it did once u went backstage. gospel was working for www and with it the game after it had the essence of gospel and how it was pure evil until it revealed the true leader. the battle scenarios still contained chips. mmbn 3 had a twist in the gaming industry(unless u look at pokemon). mmbn 3 had two versions with the same story yet it differed in chips. the story was great as the N1 Grand Prix was apart of the "returning" evil, WWW. yet looking beyond the battle and the graphics there was Style. style transformed megaman into a fire, water, elec, or grass. unlike the classic megaman where megaman could transform into practically any element and it effected adventure(which was battle too) megaman's abilites only doubled damage on teh opponent or urslf, and u gain a new megaman buster(well that was part of classic blue bomber). this game "ended wily's plot and also bass was finally used in the game at full throtle. mmbn 4 had turned in the series. the graphics of gme play had taken the form of paper characters. the story's enemy was regal(not a classic) the son of wily. a meteor heading towards earth seemed to be the threat. the tournament in both versions seemed more like half a game then a weak battle with a small benefit. style were taken away. yet dublsouls(soulcross,wtevr) came into the picture, but with the graphics i should say picture. the story seemed to be out of the network base. battle scenarios were still the same when u strip away the crappy opponents, new features, and the new crap sound. the tournament ended in a mission which made the tournament seem to be too long and way too annoying with fortress of unnessecary story routes that were suppose to be "nessecary". too many souls seemed to have a stange element like healing, metal. a few strange souls could be added but this was too much. this marked the downfall of the series. mmbn 5 introduced character team with a different leader with simliar abilites yet their backgrounds r a big difference in their personalty. this had improved from mmbn 4. yet the graphics were still crappy, just a lil less. sounds were better. bosses seemed like a desperation to bring megaman to his own downfall which was a lil tense to the story. the story was amazingly well. the teams had shown different abilities and mission scenarios didn't feel like half a game then a weak battle with lil benefit. dublsouls seemed to be more rewarding and useful since different abilites could grant speed, power and health. battle scenraio in mission scenario took a twist that made the game a bit more of a challenge. changing navis seemed to be good for a while. yet eventually it seemed as if u were playing as a dublsoul that was horrid or awesome. the map was improved amazingly. oh back to msn scenario. taking on a boss with more then two characters added a balance of power until later in the story where u face these bosses again yet u'll have the upper hand with these new awesome chips. dublesouls had more element to them and they seemed more addidictive. dark crosses were a twist too. if a dcross is used the final boss is strengthened. cool when u think bout it. cigarette(which should be ILLEGAL bush) is addicting yet it kills u. the boss will do that to u. mmbn 5 ds was just a test drive of how well the blue bomber would do with a touch screen. so then capcom could make another megaman on the ds, starforce. this rerun of mmbn 5 had the same stuff yet battles were different with swapping characters. pet screen seemed to be amazingly detailed. maps were very useful. the best part seemed to be the bass cross. yes bass is still in the saga. mmbn 6 was released in two versions. mmbn 6 was all about lan's move. lan moved. the story seemed too alike as the only difference was really the dblsouls and the beast. graphics r still the same ever since four. chips don't feel like they used to. too much hype. wasn't fit to be the ending as the story was crap. wily returns. strange how he's taking over only central with two pwerful beasts. the bosses seem to much like the past bosses. the story didn't seem to have much of a hold like most of the time. hell it didn't even have a good story. wily's return wasn't the world screaming. chaud ur rival came in too late. still no battle with dex. (i wonder why we can btle gainst gutsman, yet not glide or roll). wily didn't even have that evil sinisiter madman theme anymore as he raised Barel, created Colenal. mmbn 7 would be a better ending as lan and mayl shoulda become a couple at the end instead of them just skipping to the kid. oh yeah. the beasts didn't really have much of a difference in the game. very slight chip differences. u cld't go back to normal from dblsoul with teh beast. dublsouls really rn't needed. people teaching classes and giving u their soul thingy is plain stupid. they didn't even come in at the end to help. dblsouls were apart of the story only once. beastcrosses were nice for awhile. the only real fun part in the story is facing protoman and the taskboard or mission board is back. hell yeah. this last game of network blue bomber has come to its own bomb