One of the best games from one of the best game series.

User Rating: 9.4 | Rockman 3: Dr. Wily no Saigo!? NES
Mega Man 3 is one of those instant classic kind of games. It has wonderful gameplay great sound and graphics and a certain kind of charm that very few games posses.

In Mega Man 3 you face Spark Man, Snake Man, Gemini Man, Top Man, Needle Man, Hard Man, Shadow Man, and Magnet Man, which are definitely some of best Mega Man enemies. Like any Mega Man game you start off with the basic gun and acquire different weapon upgrades through defeating a specific boss of a level. With the bosses power upgrade you then proceed to take out the other bosses. Some bosses weapons working better against others.

Gameplay: Definitely immersive. The levels are very well built and provide a good challenge for a newcomer and a nice way to show off for the Mega Man veteran. Rush Marine and Rush Jet are probably the greatest example of this. The only thing I can say is that the final boss was very easy when compared to the rest of the bosses and challenges in the game.

Sound: Mega Man has always been one of those games where the music was good enough that you would want to listen to it all the time, or even now something you would want on your ipod.

Value: A definite must for any true gamer to have in their collection. Old school Mega Man games are as good as gold.

Overall Mega Man 3 is one of the best games on NES and a must play for anyone.