Overall the game plays out pretty well. I haven't tested multiplayer though.

User Rating: 8.4 | Medal of Honor: Rising Sun PS2
I personally like the game mainly because I like first person shooters. Any first person shooter/World War II buff will probably like this game. The opening sequence starts out in Pearl Harbor showing a bunker of men sleeping as a Japanese torpedo roars through the water toward the boat. The impact shakes the ship violently and your commanding officer orders you to make your way to the top deck. As you manuveur the ship, you see some of your comrades die gruesomely (no blood though, thankfully). You are later given a fire extinguisher and are told to help put out some of the fires. after this you go to the top deck and are given a Thompson (machine gun) although it makes more sense to man the mounted machine gun. After you shoot a few planes you go into a boat and start shooting a mounted machine gun again. fter shooting more Japanese fighter planes the mission ends and a cutscene rolls. As I mentioned in my thing up there, I haven't used multiplayer yet but I heard it was pretty good. Sometimes the AI (artificial intelligence) can be bad. You could walk right up to a soldier while under heavy fire from other soldiers and he will just stand there and not fire a shot. Other times you may not even be very close to an enemy and they start opening fire. This doesn't occur too often, but when it does occur it can be kind of annoying. Another glitch is that sometimes, when there's a lot going on, the frame rate can lag behind, but this doesn't ever last very long when it does happen. The graphics are pretty satisfying (except for the fire effects, YUCK). You can set the difficulty to easy, normal or hard, but the default is normal which at some times can be somewhat difficult. Although the game has it's issues it is pretty enjoyable.