One of the greatest videogame franchises falls on its face

User Rating: 6.5 | Medal of Honor: Rising Sun PS2
Wow. Rarely have I looked forward to the next in a series of games so much and been so disappointed. As soon as the Europe was taken out of the Medal of Honor series, so was the quality. I think the developers did not realize that making a jungle look realistic was much different from making a city look realistic. The game starts off with a bang and the sound is spectacular, as always, but everything else falls flat. The enemy AI, which had improved slightly with each MoH entry, plummeted terribly. When a soldier runs towards you, and then past you without attacking, it's hard to take things seriously. The jungles looked "blocky." The game really used enemy spawning poorly. Hopefully the next game in this series will return to its European roots, which have already been mastered to near perfection. And hopefully, this woeful entry in the MoH series won't have permanently put off its fans from purchasing it.