A decent game with an addicting skirmish mode.

User Rating: 7.5 | Medal of Honor Heroes PSP
Well I got Medal Of Honor Heroes the christmas of the year it was released. And I'd sit up for hours playing that game at night, mostly cause that was the only game I really had.

Gameplay: The gameplay is kind of clunky. The controls use the normal X, O, Triangle, Square, layout for you to aim, move your character with the analog nub, reload with the left d-pad button, shoot with the right trigger, melee with the left trigger, and you hold the left trigger to aim down the sights. The A.I in the game is pretty stupid, they'll run out in the open and not even shoot, or they'll be shooting you and turn around and run away. The missions seem very repetitive and normally consist of you running to get some papers or taking a flag away. But where this game shines is the skirmish and online mode. For it's time it was one(if not only) online shooters for the psp. The game was usually lagless and definately worth your time.

Graphics: The graphics are your normal run-of-the-mill for the psp, they're ok, but nothing to write home about. The environments are well designed and they all work well in the multiplayer.

Final Verdict: For a game that I've spent so much time on, I'd say it's just ok, nothing amazing but deffinately worth playing
