Good Campaign, Great Online

User Rating: 9 | Medal of Honor Heroes 2 WII
In Medal of Honor games, the main focus is essentially split down the middle between the campaign and the multiplayer. Like any shooting game for the Nintendo Wii, the controls will take time to get used to, but I find it very satisfying when your aim is the reason you complete a mission. In MoH:H2, the Campaign mode, while fun and even a little challenging at times, seems to be over before it even started. Luckily for you, there are three levels of difficulty. The harder the better, I've found.
When Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 rolled along, they announced that not only would it be Nintendo WFC Compatible, but it would allow up to 32-player matches online, which sounds like it should be chaos. Instead, it chalked up to be a very organized and impressive setup and execution online. It keeps you entertained, and at many times, seeking revenge on "Wiikid385" (not a real screen name). My personal favorite place to battle online is the Monastery; not saying it should be yours. All in all, MoH:H2 is a very enticing game, with a few exceptions due to spasmatic controls, and has the best online experience for the Nintendo Wii so far.