Well, It's Medal of Honor alright, what do you expect

User Rating: 8.6 | Medal of Honor: European Assault GC
I got this for the g-cube about 3 years ago and I'm still enjoying it.

When I first played it, I beat it in realativly three days on easy, but as I beat the missions again and again, it got old. Then... I tried the hardest difficulty and wow... did i ever find out how sucky I was. Perfect for those who want a challange, like me

The story is pretty good, but I would have liked it if there wasn't a big OMG SUPER KILLA EXRAORDIANRE ending to it. Though the level design and the whole secondary objective features are also good, giving you multiple paths to your objective and creating a more tactical fealing.

Graphics wise, its a meh, it looks good but the character models, especialy British commandos are just extremely blocky. And the lighting effects are just aweful, I first noticed this in mission 3 at the very beggining when the guy is fixing you up.

The guns are very well done in this game in my opinion, all of them fell powerful and deadly. As for creativity there isn't a lot of flexebility so... ya.

I just love the whold squad system, it really helps in situations were you msut storm a building, and they are just as deadly as you at times, I just wish they had more commands and had scrapped the agrenaline system. That would put this game in the 9 slot.

Overall it's a good game with a good level design and weapons but suffers from poor graphics and a bad ending.