Back when this came out it was a nice addition to the origional game.

User Rating: 7 | Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - Breakthrough PC
It's been awhile since I played this title as I fought my way through it back in early 2004. I do however remember it fondly. First its story is based on the exploits of the 34th Infantry Division in North Africa and Sicily, before your character is sent to join the OSS and continue fighting in Italy. I find this especially interesting becuase when I was in the army the 34th ID was my unit so perhaps I may be a bit biased, but anyways a good story if you ask me. :)

To put this short if you enjoyed the original game and its expansion you will enjoy this. From fighting the Germans in a sand storm, clearing the way with a mine sweeper and busting bunkers in North Africa, to airdropping and fighting alongside the 82nd airborne in Sicily to capturing a fort with the Rangers and Italy this is a solid game. The addition of Italian enemies and weapons is nice, and this game also has one of the most memorable and challenging missions I have ever played which requires you to take out several Italian tanks trying to over run your position with a single mortar. I still cringe today thinking about how much of a pain in the ass that was, yet rewarding.

You do have AI allies to fight alongside with in some missions but they usually don't live long usually becoming cannon fodder for the Germans no matter how desperately you try to spare their lives.

All in all this game help complete the Allied Assault experience by introducing the North African and Mediterranean theaters of WWII and although short highly recommended to fans of the original or fans of WWII games in general.