Today it's almost boring, but back in that time...

User Rating: 9 | Medal of Honor: Allied Assault PC
Considered by a lot of people the best Medal of Honor yet, today this game is below average, but back in the day it launched, it had the BEST graphics, best sound,best gameplay, it was really shocking. Now Medal of Honor is like a hit or miss series, You like or you hate.
After EA made this game, some of they employers that made this game left EA and made the great call of duty series. Arriving just 1 year later Call of duty raised the bar of all first person shooters.

Graphics 10.0
When this game launched it had the best graphics of it's time, character models, textures, everything! 1 year later there was still other PC games that haven't surpassed it.

Sound 10.0
High quality soundtrack, good voice acting and general excelent gun shot sounds, this game had everything.

Fun 10.0
Like i said before, this game had everything on its time, the level of intensity and the scripted events, togheter with the online multiplayer Medal of Honor ruled but offline and online PC gaming.

Gameplay 10.0
This game is what i like to call a "old school" game. If you play this now you may think "wow this is so boring, how can you can give this game a 9? It should be 3.5!". Sabotating enemy lines and playing the lone wolf was pretty much the rule back at the time of this game, but the level of intensity was the highest of the time, it's something that it's really impossible to explain.

Replay 8.5
A mid level campaign full of scripts and a terrific multiplayer made this game shine!