Good, but it can never truly surpass the original.

User Rating: 7 | Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - Spearhead (UK) PC
It just isn't there. The new features are excellent, the graphics got a bit better, the way too eagle-eyed Nazi soldiers are now at least a bit more realistically dumber, the new maps, the awesome skins, the excellent (if not a little short) campaign, the new weapons, the poems at the end of the levels, the diary entries at the beginning of each mission and the use of actual WWII videos and photos...


This is where the impatience of EA to release its titles starts to show (before it becomes way too obvious with the shortcomings of Pacific Assault thereafter). There are glitches to be found in loads of places in the game, even though they're minimal and don't actually screw up gameplay, it still shows that even with the patches installed, it just seems like Spearhead was a "Wing it." project. It doesn't capture the magic in the original Allied Assault, and this time, spawning soldiers can sometimes be spotted as they do, removing the illusion in games that they were supposedly already stationed there. You can sometimes see places where Germans would suddenly appear out of thin air, and the fact that when you load a game or when it goes to your last checkpoint or quicksave, it all the added sounds and dialogue in the previous parts of the game all at the same time, this is most noticeable in the first mission where you are dropped into France, but I won't say too much because I might spoil a few things, I'll just let you find out the hard way. There's also the problem of losing all your missions and medals for some unknown reason. (Or at least *I* don't know why they keep going missing)

The great things I listed in the first paragraph don't overshadow these small details that really ruined the experience for me. The only thing I think people will really enjoy the most is the multiplayer, especially with the larger variety of weapons, skins and locations, at least there's one thing that didn't disappoint.

In the end, there was just too much of the rushed game development and not enough of the actual feel of Medal of Honor. Still a great expansion, just shield your eyes from the little details. But unfortunately, it's the little details that make or break the game. Great for multiplayer, not so much for the SP.