Great expectations did not fall short, as MOHAA delivers incredible gameplay graphics, and sound. Adds to history. Rocks

User Rating: 9.5 | Medal of Honor: Allied Assault PC
MOHAA is definitely not a bad WWII game especially considering the fact that it laid the foundation for what Call of duty has so marvelously achieved in presenting-War at its absolute best. MOHAA doesn't exactly begin with a bang as war games should; Call of Duty 2, I think, has the dubious distinction of having the biggest and THE MOST EXPLOSIVE start to any game till date- The Omaha beach landing. MOHAA has a less intense version of the COD2 version of Omaha beach which is by far THE BEST level in the entire game. The first few levels were quite boring that is to say it wasn't much war like, it was Omaha beach that the marked a proper beginning to 'Allied Assault'. MOHAA would have been better appreciated by me had I played it before playing call of duty. Now it doesn't feel much different than what call of duty presents ten times better. It has too many 'behind enemy lines' kind of missions which can get rather boring at times. Not all missions put u exactly amidst the mayhem of WWII. There isn't much to do except run and gun simultaneously and might I add that in order to play some of the sniper missions really well u really need to have THE SHARPEST EYES IN THE WORLD. You will encounter in MOHAA some of the most annoying snipers in the world of single player gaming . You will not be able to notice them at all, neither the sound nor will the dynamic lighting help u in any way to notice them nor will the damage indicator on the compass. It won't be till your comrades shoot at the snipers and if u don't have any well.... that's mighty bad for you. Of course there is always a chance that u might get lucky and spot some or maybe all of them. Call of Duty is better in this aspect considering that at least the dynamic lighting will definitely help you to see those snipers(Pavlov can be a perfect example). The developers have managed to place the snipers in such good positions that u can't pick them off without managing to strain your eyes. The shotgun is powerful but lacks in accuracy;that is something I think applies to almost all games with shotguns. There are plenty of ambushes spread across every level. Some nice features were the system of calling in air strikes on tanks and flak-88s and being helped by a medic. There are also missions requiring u to use stealth by changing disguises and picking up documents to show your rank to the Germans who will "Heil" you on recognition. Graphics are good, not bad at all thanks to the quake 3 engine. One good thing about using the Springfield sniper rifle over here is that Lt. Powell (the lead character)has an extremely still hand and even when your using the scope the crosshair will not sway making sniping a lot easier kind of like Halo. The character models' static facial expressions make em look very weird. The Sound in MOHAA is nice, not exactly mind blowing or ear drum bursting. MOHAA has a nice weapon cache most of it similar to CoD. MOHAA esclusives were the panzershrek, the bazooka and shotgun. But some thing very odd was that the ammo for the kar98k and the MP-42 somehow worked even for their American counterparts. U have enemy tanks to pick off in some levels-some with the anti tank weapons and others while driving a tank urself. Some situations are very similar to that of RTCW(return to castle wolfenstein) like stealing documents about a new powerful weapon that the germans are secretly developing-stg 44 in MOHAA and Venom gun in RTCW and so on. The ending was kind of a surprise considering the fact that it ended unexpectedly. The best weapon other than the sniper has to be the Thompson which is even mightier than the CoD version. Among other annoyances are the alarms which will prove to be a huge pain in the butt while u near the end of the game;the alarms spawn infinite no. of enemies which can easily impede your progress. Among some other different things in MOHAA are avoiding search lights and being awarded medals for 'heroic achievements' which are MOHAA exclusives. The multiplayer is very enjoyable coupled with loads of smack talk.To sum up MOHAA for all those who have already played CoD and RTCW it's just a mixture of both minus the sci-fi of RTCW and the intensity of CoD plus some new features. A dissapointing start, some very annoying snipers, alsatians and alarms and lots of mustard gas but at the end of it MOHAA is enjoyable. For all those still wondering whether to play CoD or MOHAA, to them I say start with MOHAA and then move over to CoD and if I had to choose between the two I would probably have to choose the CoD series which is by far way above MOHAA.