The Game that Started it All

User Rating: 9 | Medal of Honor: Allied Assault PC

If you are familiar with WWII shooters then you would be familiar with Medal of Honor Allied Assault. It was one of the early FPS WWII shooters that kicked of the genre in the early 2000's. Medal Of Honor Allied Assault takes you through the heart of WWII in Western Europe in various locations. It has some amazing level environments that re-create iconic WWII battles. The most notable being the D-DAY invasion. Probably no other FPS shooter has re-created the intense firefight of the D-DAY invasion of Normandy even 18 years later. Medal of Honor Allied Assault is a story driven action FPS that has you do variety of missions. Despite it being one of the greatest WWII shooters ever made it has it’s downside. Most notable being the sniper town mission where you get sniped without barely any chance to determine where the bullets are coming from. I had to do several retries to find the various snipers which can take painstakingly long with various reloads of your saved game. Despite it’s flaws it has a stellar single player that takes you through various missions during WWII and even allows you to command tanks and have one on one tank fights.

Graphic wise it uses the Quake III engine. While the graphics aren’t as crisp as say Return to Castle Wolfenstein, which also uses the Quake III engine it does a pretty descent job. In the larger environments Quake III engine doesn’t do as descent of a job as say rendering trees as in No One Lives Forever 2’s update Lith Tech engine. I used updated textures for the guns to make things look a bit better without taking it away from the environment and feel of the original (you can get the download from ModDB). Also, played it at 1080P with config changes.

The sound is stellar and reflects the time period well. The Germans speak German. Music played is music that you would expect to be played on German radios during that time period.

Overall, Medal of Honor is a stellar FPS shooter that no WWII shooter fan should miss. Highly recommended.