Only a masocist can enjoy this game. Hasn't aged well across the spectrum. DL demo for call of duty instead...

User Rating: 2 | Medal of Honor: Allied Assault PC
Not having played it since it came out i played again because it was part of the 10th anniversary collection.

Horrendous AI (although not surprised for the time), just a bunch of levels strung together to form a game, weak ending. Your own teammates when you have them are almost as bad as the enemies. They will often stand in your line of site, crowd around you obstructing you move and often the effectiveness of your cover. They also often kill the enemies before you get a chance to raise your weapons, the AI even on easy difficulty they have an irritating sharpshooter capability. I would not mind the occasional soldier being good w/ the gun, but EVER enemy is good w/ the good and great eyesight occasionally shooting thru the walls. I appreciated the stunned or wounded reaction when enemies are shot, but now they just look retarded now. There is also a clipping problem, where the smallest height in terrain will stop you cold. Skip this game altogether and play the call of duty series…