Mechassault is a great game that doesn't get old for a long time.

User Rating: 8.6 | MechAssault XBOX
Mechassault is the first game in Microsoft's Mechwarrior series to appear on a console for years the robot shooters appeared on computer but making the transition from PC to XBOX doesn't really work because the game plays better with a joystick But Mechassault is still a fantastic game. All of your firing is done by using the A button you switch weppons with the L & R triggers and can use you jet booster things by clicking down on the left control stick.The game has a pretty lengthy single player mode and the multiplayer is great if you have XBOX live... which sadly I don't. There are many mechs to choose from and part of the challenge of the game is knowing which Mech should be used for each level one mech may be great for a certain level but could be terriable for another. The graphics are fantastic and the game features great voice acting. Many of the games levels are very fun and are still fun the second time. Mechassault is a great game that you should look for since you can probably find it for a really cheap price so if you are a fan of blowing stuff up buy Mechassault ~LOZFAN6537