Its a me Maximo...again solid platform sword slashing action returns

User Rating: 8 | Maximo vs Army of Zin PS2
Maximo: Army of Zin picks up right from where we left our hero last time still searching for his beloved Sophia who is still lost somewhere...on his search Maximo runs into some strange mechanical fiends attacking some looks like there are some new dangers to be dealt with and Maximo and solid buddy the Grim Reaper are just the ones to do it. As before the platforming is old school in its delivery fight monsters and dont fall off ledges into unpleasant liquids or the darkness of oblivion is the basic formula mechanical enemies come in all shapes and sizes from small grunt soldiers to massive building sized bosses. In this review I assume you know the basic gameplay dynamics of Maximo if not you should really read my review of Maximo : Ghosts to Glory where I describe them in detail...moving on here I'll outline some of the new talents Maximo has aquired in this new adventure. Firstly as you eliminate mechanical foes and free souls Maximo's Grim meter will fill the name suggests this power when charged allows Maximo to call on the power of this point the player controlles the reaper himself who is as you'd expect invincible and really packs a wallop cutting through mechanical monstrosities like there's no tomorrow. Also Maximo now meets traders with whom he can spend his hard found treasures on power ups such as an increased grim meter...more life...and of most importance new weapons no more is Maximo limited to his plain old Maximo can switch to different weapons including the Massive War Hammer...different weapons can help to solve various puzzles you encounter and also can provide a strategic advantage over certain enemies. The way the game is structured has been simplified too no more hub areas with level entrances just a map where you choose a level finish at a new level is unlocked simpler and in my eyes better too... To make a judgement call I'll say that this Maximo title isn't quite as tough as the first but that being said it was VERY tough so even with the slight decrease in difficulty it's still a solid title a long way from being easy a very long way. The characters remain strong and the design of enemies always innovative it's rewarding to play if you can get past the moments when the difficulty gets on top of you and you switch of your machine in tears vowing never to play again. Graphics and sound have recieved a slight upgrade since the last title...animation is smoother and Maximo can now whip out all sorts of fancy combos with his weapons for extra style. So again not for the novice but a rewarding title for those with the patience and skill if your a seasoned platformer and want a new challenge you can't go wrong with Maximo.