mass effect 3 is an action role playing game developed by bio ware,mark the final-chapter of mass effect trilogy of game

User Rating: 10 | Mass Effect 3 PS3
mass effect 3 complete the story of captain shepherd. it is a fierce game and has a excellent gameplay.Game play in mass effect will be influenced by decisions from mass effect 2 and mass effect and have settings through out the galaxy, including earth and mars.Combat has been changed and refined; in particular the cover system has been improved,there will be more options for moving around the battlefield,instant melee kills and more convectional grenades will be introduced as well as improved artificial intelligence. A four player multiplayer co-op mode will also be available. Mass effect 3 will follow from the events of the mass effect 2 dlc expansion arrivals and follows commander shepherd's mission to save the galaxy from the reapers by raring civilizations of the galaxy together,while decided to turn against him/her. MASS EFFECT 3 will have a three pre-set campaign modes:action mode,story mode and rpg mode. In action mode, conversations will have automatic replies and a normal combat difficulty. In story mode, Conversations will have manual replies and a minimal combat difficulty. In RPG mode,conversations will have manual replies and a normal combat difficulty. This last mode is reflexive of the typical mass effect, series experience. Multiplayer in mass effect 3 offer a co-op mode called GALAXY AT WAR'. overall mass effect 3 is a brilliant game and has its best platform in Xbox 360. That is it for mass effect 3.