I picked this up thinking it was just another X-Men Legends sequel. Boy was I wrong.

User Rating: 8.9 | Marvel: Ultimate Alliance X360
When I got MUA, I wasn't really sure how I would like it. I had heard good reviews and people had told me it was really good so I got it. As soon as I started playing, I thought, man this is a rip-off of X-Men Legends (I know now that it is made by the same people). Legends was okay but too repetitive. Once it started going I realised it was a really good game. There is more variety because it isn't just limited to X-Men heroes and villains but to the whole Marvel Universe. Some of my favorite characters are here and that makes it great. The game is an action/rpg game which makes it really fulfilling when you see "Ghost Rider leveled up!" The only reason my time spent playing is so low is because I just got it tonight and decided to write a review so don't pay attention to that. This is a great game for people to come over and have some fun on co-op. The graphics are really well done even though I'm not on an HD TV, so the visuals aren't at their peak I guess you could say. Otherwise, the characters are really smooth looking and the environments, though a little repetitive, are nicely done too. One of my only small regrets about this game is the repetitive enemies and, stated above, the environments. If you're a comic book nerd and enjoy having a good time, pick this one up. In fact, you don't even have to be into comic books that much and I bet you would still like this game if not love it. What other game would let you beat up Scorpion with your best buds in the first 10 minutes.