Perfect for on-the-go gaming, just what the GBA was made for.

User Rating: 8.1 | Mario vs. Donkey Kong GBA
Mario vs DK isn't based on the platforming adventures of Mario, but instead, the classic gameplay style from the Mario of the past, which focused on puzzles. The gameplay is simple: move Mario around a small level to reach a key. Then take the key to a door. You’ll then open up a new arena where you must reach a mini Mario and save it. However, to do this, you'll have to jump, push switches, and generally, set things up so that you can reach the goal. You might need to push a yellow switch which will "turn on" yellow blocks. Jump onto those, and throw the key onto a moving platform, which you will then follow to reach the keyhole. Although some levels can get frustrating, most of the times it’s because of your own stupidity, or a mistake in the timing of a jump. Once in a while, you’ll try to do a backwards jump (to reach higher places) and things wont work out so well. Luckily, this game doesn't even require you to pick up the instruction manual, since before every level, there will be a short clip showing you how to use a new feature that’s required to pass this. It may be a different type of jump, or a new switch, but the demo will clearly explain what the action will do, and how to do it. These are fully skippable however. Replayability is met in the fact that there are 3 boxes per level that you want to collect. In many cases, you’ll have to go back to find them again, in the time limit. Once you finish the first 6 worlds, new ones will also open up, further expanding the gameplay. Graphics are crisp, with a 3D rendered look, and bright colors. You're given the option to adjust the graphics for the GBPlayer. Sound is fine, but doesn't hold up as well, mostly because none of the songs are truly memorable. Mario vs Dk is a great game for kids, due to its easy learning curve, but its difficulty will please older gamers. Levels are short, and there’s autosave, so this game is also perfect for bus rides or short trips. Don’t expect a timeless classic, when picking up Mario vs DK, but you will get some fun out of it, and maybe even use your head a bit more than you'd expect from a Mario game.