Mario is back on his puzzle gaming roots of the original Donkey Kong game . Fans of the first Donkey Kong will love this

User Rating: 8 | Mario vs. Donkey Kong GBA
It's just like the classic donkey Kong game but better. You go trough puzzles, have enemies on the way. You must find all toys that Donkey Kong steal. There are some things that you can take to throw at enemies. You get to use the hammer that used in the classic one. You also climb vines. You have to push some buttons to open a way to jump or cross. And you find some keys to open doors and pretty much finish the level. But the problem is that the game gets a little too hard tough the first levels are easy and fun to play.

Graphically the backgrounds are fairly decent but the game shines in terms of level design and characters in 3-d engine. The rest is just ok. The first levels are fun to play. But the difficult ones you may play them again once. Unless you now know how to finish them fast. This is a great game for Mario fans and Gameboy advance owner's. And also those who enjoyed the original Donkey Kong can now play even more of it.