Best Mario brand of competitive game play since Mario Kart 64! My vote for most under rated Wii Title.

User Rating: 9.5 | Mario Strikers Charged Football WII
My favorite title for the Wii as of today. I will start by saying I'm not a fan of Soccer, not in the least, so it might get passed on by some anti-soccer fans, but shouldn't. While the campaign mode is challenging and unlocks characters the real meat of the game comes from online and multiplayer. Beating the campaign mode will barely have you prepared to play online, but playing and losing a few online is the best way to hone your skills and be competitive.

It is a simple layout and you know what you are getting when you buy any of the Mario sport franchises, but this one has SERIOUS MEAT in the game play and can almost never be perfected.

My only grip is with the Supershot (or whatever it is called) in online play. Depending on the connection it can lag and be near impossible time correctly allowing your competition to easily score up to 5 goals undeserved.

Great for Kids and even better for competitive adults. My vote for most under rated Wii title.