mario strikers charged is a great multiplayer experience.

User Rating: 9 | Mario Strikers Charged Football WII
mario strikers is a very addictive game from the feeling of scoring a goal
to the feeling of rippling the mesh with 6 megastrke goals.I think the strong points of this game would be good character differences and cool charged shots and pretty good graphics for a wii game.however this game does have some disapointing downsides.for example i think the number one downside for this game is that the characters have the cheapest moves ever and that leaves the door open for spammers.if you go online most definetly every persons sidekicks are hammerhead,boo,and toad.another downside is the difficulty.sometimes the com. are at a nice fun level and other times the game ends 20-0.another crucial downside is that games
singleplayer modes are just gets pretty old just having the same team and play through games upon games just t unlock like three more characters and a few levels!?I was so shocked to turn on this game and discover that there really isnt much to unlock.but overall I love this game for the over the top chaos and great multiplayer experience. but sometime in the future i think that instead of mario strikers it would be so awesome to be nintendo strikers.