The first of the Mario Partys remains the best

User Rating: 9.1 | Mario Party N64
Hudson(also known as the makers of Bomberman) kicked off a franchise that would have a new game every year, but none of them so far have been able to match up to the original. I am shocked at the reviews for this game, seeings as it remains the best of all the Mario Party games. Gameplay: 10/10 It's an original concept(at least it was until Mario Party 2 came out), where you hit a dice block, go around a board that many spaces and whatever space you land on does something(ex, blue spaces give 3 coins, red spaces take 3 coins, and a Bowser space makes a Bowser event happen). After each turn, a mini-game is played depending on the amount of blue and red spaces landed on(if you land on a green space it randomly does something) for either 4 player, 1 vs. 3 player, or 2 vs. 2 player. Most of these mini-games are fun and unique, barely any of the games copy them. It also has my personal 2 favorite mini-games, Mushroom Mix-up and Bumper Balls. Graphics: 6/10 The characters are blocky and their faces are nearly impossible to see, but the graphics of everything else(the board maps, the town, Mini-game Island, the Mini-games) all look good, bringing it to 6/10 graphics. Sound/Music: 10/10 You can't go wrong with classic Mario music, along with new music that is also good. The sound of everything is good, and the characters voices, from what little you here, is very good. Value: 10/10 6 years after the release of this game, I still play it. Its addictive and the replay value is high. Its multiplayer, where the game really specializes, is good enough to rival the Super Smash Bros games! Tilt: 9/10 Why did I give this category a 9/10? Because of all the rotate the control stick as fast as you can mini-games. Its a good way to ruin your controller and your hand. Buy/Rent Definetely buy! Its a must-own game for the replay value and multiplayer, as with the rest of the series, but it still remains the best of all the Mario Party games