This is one party you'll want to leave early

User Rating: 7.5 | Mario Party 8 WII
Hudson and Nintendo really need to rethink the Mario Party formula, but will they? Not as long as these games keep selling, no. Discerning players will find this latest effort still has its moments, but also that they are fewer and farther between. The game includes a robust list of minis, boards and modes and yet you'll quickly discover that little else has been changed. All of our complaints about previous games – the slow pace, the lackluster single-player affair, the loose attention to detail – all remain and with Mario Party 8 we can add another criticism: ignorance of the Wii remote. True, there are a dozen or more minis that do utilize Nintendo's new controller in a unique and enjoyable way, but there are dozens more that don't – that, in fact, were obviously born on GameCube and later ported to Wii with last-minute new motion systems added in. This lackadaisical approach to the franchise sequel bleeds over into the presentation, which doesn't impress as a GCN effort, let alone a Wii one.
In spite of our issues with the game, people who loved Mario Party 7 will probably enjoy Mario Party 8, too, but we've chosen not to reward Nintendo with an undeserved high score for a copy/paste sequel

Presentation: Dozens of new mini-games and a handful of new modes. You can incorporate your Miis into some games, but not all. Interface works, but the visuals are dated 8/10

Graphics:The only Nintendo-published Wii game that doesn't really run in 16:9 widescreen mode, it's clear that Mario Party 8 was originally a GCN effort. The graphics don't even impress as a GCN title 7/10

Sound:Some of the boards have catchy MIDI music, but character sound effects repeat often. 7/10

Gameplay: The formula is wearing thin. Some of the new minis use the Wii remote in unique and fun ways. Most don't. The single-player game is like torture 7/10

Lasting Appeal: If you can overlook its shortcomings, Mario Party 8 offers a robust list of minis and modes to keep you busy and everything is better with friends 9/10

Overall: 7.5/10

My Verdict: Rent It :)