This game ended up being the black sheep of the Mario Party Franchise

User Rating: 5.5 | Mario Party 8 WII
Hudson either tried too hard, or didnt try at all. Some of the gameplay features wildy complex features, while others are just too simple. You would expect a newer Mario Party game to feature new levels, but this takes one away. The levels have their own type of gameplay, which you might like or dislike. But my frustration lied on the fact if you liked one of the gameplay versions in one of the levels, you would end up played that level whenever you played the game. Your opinion would end up making you VERY bored with the game. The game however tries to save itself by including Wii Remote swish and flicking mini-games.Their try was in vain. The mini-games ended up being hard to play and sometimes the Wii remote would get messed up. From the moment you turn the game on, t=you recognize the flat and shallowness of the game. This game was obviously rushed to become one of the first Wii Games