Mario party 8 Mario's newest Mario party game. Great fun up to 4 players Mario party 8 has lots of fun mini games!......

User Rating: 6.5 | Mario Party 8 WII
Mario party 8 is officially the newest Mario party it came out on 2007 i think this will be the last Mario party game they have made there had been 8 Mario party all of them have been packed with fun lots of mini games and more.
Mario party 8 is similar to Mario party 6 because they are both the same some of the mini games are the same and the characters. Mario party 8 is like a fun board game it's up to 4 players that is when the fun begins in the new Mario party 8 the main characters are Mario,Luigi,Peach,Daisy and Yoshi.

All of the characters in Mario party 8 are all special you can pick who you want you go them then you will just stick to them that will be your lucky character and remember it is not your skills that count on the game it's your luck.
Mario party 8 is the most fun Mario party game in the world.
So if you like board games well this is much better this game is special because it is fun threw the game it has fun mini games if you win them you earn coins you need 20 coins to but a star try and get as much stars as you can then if you have more stars than the other player you have won!

Remember you can get different types of mini game like 2 on 2.
3 on 1. 4 players and battle mini games everyone gets there money took away then they put it into the back then who ever wins the battle mini game gets all of the coins.