Mario Party games are almost always fun! Just not this one...

User Rating: 5.5 | Mario Party 8 WII
For anyone who doesn't know what the Mario Party games are all about, its basically a mario board game. You pick you favorite Mario character, pick a Mario themed board then compete with friends, family, or the computer to see who can collect the most starts and coins. It's actually a fun set up; or at least it was.

Like all of its predecessors, this one plays the exact same way. It's just that this time, everything is completely unoriginal and uninspired. From the maps to all of the minigames. Take it coming from someone who has played almost every Mario Party game that has come out, this is by far the least fun.

My score is slightly lower than how good the game may be, but taking into acount the superiority of its predesecors, it is completely fair. Honestly, there is no reason for any one to play this game. Just go get one of the other seven.