By far the best Mario Party game to date. Enough said, PLAY THIS GAME!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Mario Party 6 GC
Now, I've played Mario Party ever since the very first installment, and this is by the BEST MP game I've played. Yes, I've played 7, and 8, but those lack something that 6 has: fun.

The sun and the moon are argueing over whose the coolest. While this seems stupid and childish it is really brilliant because of it's nursery rhyme-esque type air that it puts fourth.

A lot of the problems with the modern and older Mario Party games were that the map modes and mini games got stale very, very quickly. This is by no means the case in Mario Party 6. All of the mini games are fun and engaging and don't rely too much on mashing the A button. (Even though sometimes you just want to mash till your little heart's content! :) )

But yeah, I mean, the setting is very original and doesn't seem too kiddy. Mario franchise has always been able to include everyone whether it be young kids or old bastards like me. Well I'm 17 but, old for Mario's standards.

The sound is done very well, and the characters and levels are all fun and engaging to play.

The only thing I would bash this game for is not having enough minigames and maps, not to menchion an online play. But all in all, Mario Party 6 is an amazing game you should pick up if you're a fan of Mario Party in general.