Defently the best mario party game ever made, hands down. No questions asked.

User Rating: 8 | Mario Party 6 GC
I think some people going to disagree with this review because of this mere small statement/opinion, but meh, it's a mere tiny pathic reason, but I'm going to say it anyways: I feel that the Mario series is over rated.

Don't get me wrong, some games caught my intrest and I seen three good characters in this series that I atucally like, but other then that, it's one of those things people found over only just because 'of the greatness of Nintendo' and no more.

Got that 'ZOMG, diz p3r$0n d03sn't agr33z wth m3z 0nz m@r!oz, so !mz g0!ng t0 n0t r3c0m3ndz d!z r3v!ew r!ght 0ffz t3h b@tz!!11111oneoneone' reason out of the way, I shall go on with this review.

This IS, in fact, one of the Mario games that caught my intrest.

Most mario party games I don't bother playing, and don't get me started on Mario party 7.

But, this game, is pretty good.

The plot is decent, thought a bit bland, chice'd and childish. But to me, that's part of its charm. The only complaint I have is the one plothole that didn't tell me how the heck the usial villians in the series(Koppa Kid, Wario and Walugi) even bother helping out Mario to stop that senseless bickering between the sun and moon characters. But, that's the wondering mind of *crack* theroies are for

The boards are very unquie and lovely in each way. The night and day cycle is a good choice.

Though I don't ofter paied atention to this, the graphies are done good.

The voice acting, when they talked at least, was done very well and fitted the characters.

The music was good in a mederoke--quse way.

The added mic, mini game mode, bank items and team up features were good choices. Kudos to Nintendo for thinking those up.

The best part of this party game is the mini games. I found a lot of games I liked, and most of the rest are tolerable, though there are a few I wished they left out.

So, in conclusion, if you want to play any of the Mario party games, played this.

Other games lack intrest and, like the gamespot reveiwer said, are spraied painted and used-up the formula over and over again.

And I don't care what other people think it as another added opinion to make people disagree feel stupid for disagreeing JUST because of this adding thinking, but I'm intrested in getting Sonic Shuffle. It may be a rip off of Mario Party, and it may have those flaws people say. But at least it has a strong plot and doesn't clone itself over and over again.