This game is probably on of the best golf games out there, with good graphics.

User Rating: 9.6 | Mario Golf N64
The great parts of this game is the courses, they are really neat with there own characteristics and colorful setting and many different unique holes. There are any characters to choose from, each character has a specific drive and a bar that tells if you are going to hit the ball left or right (draw, and a fade bar), or maybe straight in the middle. Many clubs to choose from 14 different clubs, which is really good to get the closest to the amount of yards you need to get to the hole. The graphics are really nice and colorful. There are many sidequests to do like, collect all characters, complete all the ring shots, and so forth. If you have a transfer pak, with mario golf for the game boy color, this game gets better, you can upload the main four characters. The unique thing about the mario golf series is the power shots, you can get up too 6 power shots and you can keep them if you hit your shot good enough. The putt-putt golf is really nice and of course, colorful graphics, instead of usually 9 holes, there are 18 holes with 2 different courses (36 holes encase you cant multiply that well). The club slots are really nice and its based all on chance, because they choose the clubs for you, if you get three stars, you are lucky, that means you can use all the clubs. The bad things about the game is the 4 characters you get, they dont drive that far, lets see, you got a miserable 208 yard driver, 210, 215, and 212. Also, if dont have a transfer pak with mario golf for the gameboy color (i dont have it), the game isn't as good as if you had the game. Overall, this game is really good and its probably one of the best golf games out there in the market.