Not as good as the original, but still fun.

User Rating: 8.5 | Manhunt 2 WII
If you played the original Manhunt you already know what to expect, a gory stealth/action game. But you still may want to hear the story outline. Manhunt 2 starts you off as Daniel Lamb, a follower of the Project, who is locked away in a Asylum. The game begins as soon as an power outage opens all the cells in the Asylum. You soon find yourself paired up with Leo, another playable character, killing the Nurses and imates. You were forced into the Asylum after you volunteered for a new expirement and everything went wrong. Now you suffer from amnesia, trying to figure out what happened, you go after the person who is the founder of The Project, Dr. Pickmen. The whole game revolves around stealth in the first few levels, cause after that you find yourself some nice firearms. The controls are really simple, move the analog stick to move around, switch weapons with the down pad or "-" button, swing nunchuck and/or wiimote to swing weapons, hold "A" to lock on to preform a stealth kill, "C" to lock onto to target and/or aim gun, "B" to shoot guns, "Z" to run and "1" to go into 1st person. Follow motion controls to preform stealth kills.

The executions are probably the main draw for this game, but sadly they have been censored. The gore has been toned down as well, even though you still get to see someones brain splatter on the wall after getting a headshot. The censoring is probably everyones biggest complaint, but mine would have to be the camera. You cant control it at, so you cant look up or down steps, or around corners. Its quite annoying and you never get use to it. The AI is another problem for the game, sometimes theyre beyond stupid, running back and forth for no reason, and just walking right by you. But those problems shouldnt hold you back from playing one of the best Wii games out.

The story is immerseve as well are the characters. The enviroments are amazing, ranging from a brothel to a subdivision. And while the graphics arent amazing, they are slightly better than the original Manhunt, they still hold up pretty well. So for a bargain price of $40, if your over 17, i say pick it up. Many complaints are of the censoring, now if your some person who cant play any game without loads of gore, then maybe this title isnt for you. But if you dont mind, this game has some pretty good stealth techniques and decent gunplay.