A great game, and a unique experience from Rockstar. The only thing holding it back are the controls.

User Rating: 7 | Manhunt 2 PS2
Sadly enough I haven't played the original, but I look to doing so one of these days.
I enjoyed this game very much.
It's got a crazy mood to it, a lot of it is from the setting and environments in the game, and of course the gore, and the ways to take down enemies adds to this game so much, it would have not worked very well without it.

Now to what made this game fail for me.
It was the controls.
I don't know how many other people agree with this, but I think the controls are a pain.
Nearly every maneuver is held back by them, everything you do is incredibly difficult to execute because of them.
It also makes the game very, very hard.

I would say if you wish to try this game, I would go with renting it before hand, or borrowing it, and see what you think.
Personally I think you should try it, despite the controls, this game is definitely an interesting experience and shouldn't be missed.

Just make sure you can handle a lot of gore.