This game makes you learn the controls, but after that it gets really addicting.

User Rating: 9.5 | Major League Baseball 2K8 WII
This game grows on you I think the motion control for the makes this game a blast. When your just learning it can be very frustrating, but after that it is FUN. The fact that the dynamic difficultly changes the difficulty while you play a computer player is really smart on 2k sports part. I know when you read the other reviews your like "this game sucks", but it does not I do suggest renting it first and if you don not like don't buy and if you buy it before you rent it and hate it save the receipt. This game is really worth it though it is superdiduper fun. You can rob homerun and make amazing plays on almost every play some things can get unrealistic though like how fast and slow some people are. and how some people hit and how some people cannot, but overall if you don not ttotally suck at baseball games it is really fun. Go Red Sox.