It is not MVP Baseball by any means... but it is passable.

User Rating: 7.7 | Major League Baseball 2K6 PS2
Most years, I don't even consider picking up this series. EA Sports' MVP Baseball was the only game in my head. Then 2K sports pulled an EA. They paid big bucks to take away the MLB License from EA. You'll think they would try to wow the skeptics with a masterpiece. Nope. They delivered a hacked up version of MVP. It isn't good... but it isn't bad either.

Gameplay: 2k took the same approach batting-wise and matched MVP 06 NCAA's Load and Fire Mechanic. The Swing stick works the same way, but a full down-to-up swing isn't needed. Either release for contact or swing away for power. It works just fine for the most part. Sometimes it leaves me wondering how you can push a ball with perfect timing and a slow start-up... The new pitching cursor also works fine. It's basically the same arcade meter in circular form. The default AI... is just plain dumb at times. Sometimes it won't go for the sure out and walk people at odd times. This can be fixed with simple slider tweaking. The gameplay isn't as in depth as MVP, but you can still play competitive baseball.

Graphics: Weakest part of the game is graphics. Don't be fooled by the nice and shiny menus pre-game. Once you step into the game, you'll think a drunk cartoonist drew them. Player models aren't shaped that well. The player's faces look like some quack tried to do plastic surgery on them. The stadiums are okay, but some structures look like a optical illusion when the camera is panning by them. With NBA 2k6 looking pretty on the current-gen, you'll think this game would look nice... WRONG!

Sound: This is the strongest suit in this game. Gameplay sounds sound crisp. I swear this game has the best crack of the bat in any game. Commentary by ESPN's Jon Miller and Joe Morgan is almost exactly like their real life telecasts. Miller's deep voice calls the game well and Morgan gives insightful analysis. I can't get Sound a perfect score because of some delays in the commentary and mispronouncing of players by the PA announcer.

Value: If you like this game, you will be kept occupied for a while. MLB 2k6 has quick games, seasons, HR Derbys, and Online. It’s enough to last a season of real life baseball.

While MVP is still king in my book, MLB 2k6 is definitely the better PS2 baseball game this year. Give this game a try, you might be surprised with the results. If this game sucks to you, there's always Baseball Stars on the NES.