Worth the 800 points and a great introduction to magic, but there's definitely room to improve.

User Rating: 9 | Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers X360
I've been playing Magic the Gathering since Beta (which if you don't know is a long frigging time). I hung up my Magic hat a number of years ago though, so for me this was a return to a game that I used to love.

After getting my hands on it I have to say that MtG:DotP is a pretty fun intrepretation of the system (which has been online now for a number of years on PC) and great for the first time magic player. In fact, thanks to this title, my good friends are getting into a game I used to love so that we can play it all over again :)

So if you're on the fence, its definitely worth the 10 bucks. It's probably one of the best values on the XBL Arcade to date. And the fun far outweighs the fault.

But just to address the faults really quick, in the hopes someone from Wizards sees this, here's a few things they should tweak/fix for future DLC ...

1 - I want to tap my own mana, I don't want you to do it for me.

Though it doesn't happen often, there are times while playing a multicolored deck that there are two cards I want to play in my hand which would be great strategy that are completely ruined when the game autoselects the mana I needed for the other spell in order to cast the first one. This has happened to me twice during critical games (well, they were to me anyway).

2 - I want to build my own, custom decks.

Its nice that you guys made some premade decks for us (there's 8 in the game) but I pretty know how all of them play inside and out at this point and the fun factor is fading. There's no surprises anymore. Oh, I'm playing against a red deck .. okay here's what i can expect ... it has X number of this card, Y number of that ... etc...

What makes Magic great is experiencing the creative process of another player and a card combination that I might not have thought of previously. With all the premade decks it kinda takes that fun out of it. For it to survive, I think you need to build that functionality in there.

3 - The AI is pretty bad

Maybe its just me .. maybe its years and years of playing Magic with hardcore players that I'm just too good for the computer (on the hardest difficulty setting). The computer is constantly doing things that make no sense. If it has a flying creature and you dont it attacks, regardless if you have a creature on the ground that will kill the player the following turn. It never saves the flying blocker.

Or that glowing moth card in the white deck. Someone programmed it that that card is only to be used as a blocker .. why then does the computer holy strength it and then not attack me with it when I have no creatures on the table? It's these little AI mistakes that make me want to just play players .. but I can't do that because like I said in point 2 .. I know what to expect with all the decks .. there's no mystery.

That's the biggest three flaws of the game. They aren't so big that you don't want to play it, but they factor in the more time you put to it.

One last thing to Wizards of the Coast ... don't even think about trying to get me to buy boosters with my DLC money .. ain't happening. The only reason I DON'T play on my PC anymore is because its a money sink. DotP is a great value for what it does and I will buy DLC add ons .. but I'm not playing for booster paks at cost. Uh Uh!